Benefits to
Empathy Surplus Zoom Forums

Benefits to Empathy Surplus Zoom Forums
- Increase your understanding of cognitive science and linguistics in political and moral discourse
- Learn how to expand empathy in yourself and others
- Learn how to respond to conservatives
- Expand your personal sense of a nurturant purpose
- Give direction to your duty to care for self and others
- Strengthen your ability to communicate care more effectively
- Improve your collaboration skills needed in a caring society
- Reduce your feelings of helplessness and be the responsible change
- Increase your security in the knowledge of what counts as effective nurturant communication
- Build your oratory confidence with practice
- Improve your caring critical thinking through testimonials and conversations
- Meet other caring citizens who want to expand empathy in their communities
- Feel better after talking about human rights expansion
Caring Thought Leaders Core Values
the soul of democracy
both personal and social
to govern with empathy and responsibility
Free Compassionate USA Micro-Course Partner Since 2022
George Lakoff's Resources
The basic idea is this: Dr. Lakoff's resources are free and open to all. He will provide framing suggestions regularly over social media, and whoever receives them can decide how to use them, and whether to share them or retweet them. Dr. Lakoff's process is bottom-up.
Dr. Lakoff also offers this framing service to activist organizations, media folks, and elected officials and their staff.
Pro-Empathy Pledge to the People of the World
(Recited while holding a neighbor's hand. People from other countries may insert the name of their country.)
I pledge my care to the people of the world
and to my neighbors in the United States of America
and to our human rights, which I defend and promote,
one world governed with empathy and responsibility,
with liberty and justice for all.
Empathy Surplus Network USA is a 501c3 local human rights empathy education community of practice that applies the latest brain insights of George Lakoff to moral and political discourse to protect human rights with the rule of law. To reverse our national empathy deficit, we invite you to join our culture diplomacy initiative to make empathy, the soul of democracy and ethical business, the center of public and private debate. Donations are exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(a) and described in section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.